Painlessly Scale Process Automation
Enable unlimited users inside your organization to execute engineering automations via an easy-to-use web interface.
Instant value automations
Publish your Synera automation workflows inside your company’s network – ready for anyone to use. Instant value for unlimited users with neither onboarding nor installation. No more isolated genius.
UI builder and 3D viewer
Build intuitive user interfaces for even the most complex automations. Choose from a variety of UI controls and visualizations to let users upload and enter data, inspect results and retrieve their outputs.
Powerful integrations
Synera Run supports all the core and add-in functionality known from the Desktop application – including 3D modeling, optimization, data analysis, structural mechanics and manufacturing preparation.
Built-in IP protection
Workflows and data are never exposed. Let users benefit from your automations without giving away your secret sauce. Likewise, user-data is protected from inspection by anyone but themselves.
Understanding Synera Run
The Synera Run server is the central place for storing, sharing and running your automation workflows. Once set up on your local infrastructure, it acts as the hub between workflow creators and users. Workflows run on the server in individual per-user sessions, keeping each user’s data protected while also allowing to conduct computationally demanding automations from low performance hardware like laptops or mobile devices.
Once your workflow is ready, mark the inputs and outputs required for your users inside the Synera application. Choose the geometries and results you want to be visualized and add descriptions to guide your users. Publish the workflow to the Synera Run server with a single click, retrieve an access link and share it with your automation users.
Anyone with the link can run your automation in their web browser via an auto-generated user interface – no learning or installation required! Users can set input values, upload data using countless formats including CAD, FEA or Excel, and start the automation. After completion, the interactive 3D viewer allows for inspection of the results and users can download the output data to their local machine.
Automation flexibility redefined
After publishing your workflow, Synera Run ensures that accessibility isn’t confined to just one platform. Our versatile interface ensures that team members can tap into the workflow from a multitude of entry points.

Web access
Directly access the workflow using any web browser. No installations required; just a straightforward web interface ready to deliver your engineering solutions.
Try it out yourself
Rest API
Developers and tech-savvy team members can interact with your workflow using our RestAPI, offering more flexibility and integration with other tools or platforms.

Synera Run was the breakthrough we needed to scale our workflow automation! We automate complex tasks in Synera and Synera Run allows anyone to immediately execute these automations with its very intuitive interface. The seamless and easy access to engineering knowledge means that manual requests and waiting times are eliminated and is a game changer for our productivity.