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June 19, 2024

Designing vehicles faster with AI

Konstruktionspraxis guest article by our Gold Partner RLE International

Designing vehicles faster with AI-enhanced fluid mechanics

Accelerating vehicle design with AI

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into computer-aided engineering (CAE) offers substantial benefits, particularly in the realm of fluid mechanics. AI tools designed for flow analysis can rapidly estimate the aerodynamics of vehicle designs, streamlining the overall design process.

Traditional CFD analyses: Challenges and Solutions

Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) analyses are crucial for evaluating the flow properties of vehicle designs. However, these analyses are typically time-consuming, require specialized knowledge, and demand significant computational resources, often creating bottlenecks in vehicle development. The ability to approximate aerodynamic effects during the initial design phases using AI can significantly reduce the dependency on exhaustive CFD simulations, focusing resources on the most promising concepts and enhancing development efficiency.

RLE’s AI tool for Synera

The development and consulting service provider RLE has crafted an AI tool integrated into the low-code platform Synera, which estimates the aerodynamic characteristics of vehicle silhouettes quickly and accurately. This tool uses deep learning to predict parameters such as lift, drag, and speed for various vehicle designs. The AI was trained on data from cloud-based CFD simulations of parametric vehicle designs created in Synera.

Benefits of the AI tool

The AI tool simplifies the design process by providing rapid and reliable aerodynamic estimates without requiring extensive CFD expertise. Designers need only an STL model of the vehicle silhouette, access to Synera, and the AI tool to get results within seconds. This capability allows designers to iteratively refine their designs before engaging CFD experts for validation, significantly reducing the number of required iterations and accelerating the development cycle.

Enhancing efficiency with parametric designs

The AI tool’s effectiveness is amplified when used with generic models and parametric designs in Synera. Designers can set upparametric models and use Synera’s internal functions to generate and compare various design variants. The AI tool then quickly assesses the aerodynamic impact of each variant, enabling the evaluation of hundreds of designs in a fraction of the time typically required. This approach optimizes resource use, shortens development times, and improves design quality.

Future developments

Looking ahead, RLE plans to expand the AI tool’s capabilities to estimate and visualize three-dimensional aerodynamic results for entire vehicle silhouettes. By centering the Synera software in this process, the integration of AI in vehicle design not only overcomes the limitations of traditional CFD simulations but also drives significant advancements in performance and resource efficiency.

Read the full article

Would you like to learn more about Synera? Read the full article in the Konstruktionspraxis Whitepaper "Smart Engineering 2024" (in german).

About RLE International (Synera Gold Partner)

The RLE INTERNATIONAL Group is one of the world’s leading development, technology and consultation service providers to the international mobility and service industries. On the basis of their many years of development and methodological expertise, RLE can lay claim to 30 years of experience in devising innovative and effective solutions for their international customers. Over 2.000 employees worldwide constantly keep abreast of technological progress.


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