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October 20, 2023

Synera Podcast Episode 3 is now live!

Get to know Markus Hollermann (Synera) and gain insightful insights into the world of engineering.

In the third episode of the Connected Engineering podcast, the focus shifts to Markus Hollermann and his role at Synera.

In this episode, Markus brings his wealth of experience and insights to our discussion. We delve deep into the world of engineering and explore how Synera workflows can dramatically change your approach to product development.

Markus Hollermann is an accomplished technical draughtsman turned bio-inspired designer. In this episode, Markus shares his journey into the world of engineering and the pivotal moments that led him to explore the potential of process innovation. As we discuss his experiences, Markus sheds light on the challenges he faced and how he embarked on a mission to empower engineers with tools that facilitate custom solutions for product development.

Markus Hollermann

We emphasize the changing landscape of part development and how a fresh perspective on processes can drive innovation. Markus's experiences in the aerospace and automotive industries provide valuable insights into the importance of embracing new tools and workflows.

The discussion with Markus touches on the inefficiencies in current engineering workflows and the opportunities for transformation. We uncover specific pain points that drive the need for change and how innovative solutions like Synera are addressing these issues. Markus highlights the importance of collaboration and knowledge-sharing among engineers and how this can lead to enhanced workflows and better product development.

As we wrap up our conversation with Markus, we address the concerns engineers may have about adopting new technology. He explains how embracing process-oriented thinking can facilitate a smooth transition and lead to exciting possibilities in engineering.

The future of engineering is brimming with potential, and our guest Markus Hollermann leaves us with a glimpse of what lies ahead. His insights hint at potential developments, updates, and expansions in the world of engineering, aligning with Synera's mission to empower engineers and transform the way we approach product development.

Synera's mission is clear: to give every engineer the freedom and power to shape the future through process innovation, ultimately transforming the way we approach engineering workflows and product development.

Listen to Episode 3

Tune in to discover insightful discussions, industry trends, and inspiring stories from experts in our field. Listen here on Spotify and stay tuned for more engaging content coming your way!‍

Discover the benefits yourself – Test Synera's Low-Code platform!

Would you like to experience the benefits of Connected Engineering and our Low-Code Platform firsthand? We invite you to test Synera's Low-Code Platform 14 days for free and discover how you can make your product development more efficient and agile. Experience the future of product development and explore the possibilities that our innovative solution offers. Click here to explore the Synera Low-Code Platform and optimize your development process for your use case today.

Or get a free demo from our CEO Daniel Siegel. Every Tuesday and Thursday he will take you on a guided tour of our synera software. You will discover how to automate your workflow and how to speed up your development process. There will also be a Q&A session where you can ask all your burning questions. Register here for free.