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Process Automation

Increase engineer effectiveness through tailored automation processes

Process automation for engineers

Visual programming for agile hardware development and improved collaboration

The content of the white paper covers various topics related to process automation in engineering, including the challenges of engineering, the benefits of process automation, the history and evolution of process automation, and case studies of successful process automation implementations in engineering. The white paper also covers the features and benefits of Synera, a low-code platform designed specifically for process automation in the engineering industry.

Key takeaways

  • The lack of a universal engineering automation tool highlights the demands and high standards of the industry.
  • Process automation is the key to operational efficiency, using digital tools to achieve consistent, accurate and improved results.
  • Synera excels in engineering automation as an innovative partner that improves workflows and fosters collaboration.
  • Synera's advanced capabilities accelerate hardware development cycles and promote engineering flexibility and innovation.

Who has to read it?

Engineering teams looking for:

  • Improving cooperation and the exchange of knowledge
  • Rationalisation of their design and development cycles
  • Democratisation of the innovation process through customisable workflows
  • Seamless connection of all phases of virtual product development through integration with leading industry software

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