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FEA Hotspot Reporting

Automation meets precision and standardization

Automate your FEA reporting with a new level of detail and standardization for precise stress hotspot detection. Save precious time and improve the consistency of your engineering workflows.


Manual FEA Reporting Slows Engineering Teams

Engineering teams spend significant time on repetitive tasks like manually detecting stress hotspots and generating detailed FEA reports. Traditional reporting tools lack the flexibility to adapt as simulations iterate and models change, resulting in manual adjustments. Adjusting view angles, inserting data, and formatting are time-consuming activities that delay project timelines, create room for errors, and divert focus from critical design and analysis tasks.


Automate FEA Analysis and Reporting

Synera offers templates for automated stress hotspot detection with optimal view angles and precise stress hotspot identification.  Easily integrated into your projects, it can be supplemented with automated reporting features that directly generate customized PowerPoint presentations. No manual input is needed, freeing up engineers to focus on what matters - improving designs and performance. This automation boosts productivity, reduces costs, and ensures consistency across projects.

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